
Thursday, June 11, 2020

My Amazing Ironic Comic - Global Issues art thing...

Hola Amigos!!!!!!!!

Aren't you excited we are the first country back to level 1!!!!!!!! But back to the point, so lately in inquiry, we have been looking at Irony and Global Issues but for now, we are just going to talk about Irony, so basically for this task, we had to make a comic about either Dramatic Irony, Situational Irony or Verbal Irony, and my group decided to make ours about Situational Irony and here is our outcome!

Now ladies and gentleman the moment you have all been waiting for... The second thing, ok enough with the joking this is serious now, so for the second inquiry thing we are looking at global issues and for this task we had to go around our hub and sit down at a tabel that had a picture and a peice of paper on it and the pictures were giving a message about a global issue through visual art and we had to write what we thought the picture ment on the piece of paper next to it and we would keep moving from table to table untill we had written on all of the blank papers what we thought the picture ment and after we had done that we had to grab our device, choose our favorite picture and continiue writing about it on our inquiry slides, so now that I have explaned it to you here is my picture that I chose,

(Just Incase you can't read it - What does it symbolize?~ I think it means people's lives are being drained from them by their devices, and nobody is realizing what is going on around them and people are forgetting that they have a world to save and to busy playing games or protesting online about the things that they don’t know they are still causing by protesting about them, (if you want things to change don’t nag other people by telling them to do something instead just do it).)
I hope you like it and please comment down bellow what you think the picture means or what you think it shows but also comment about what you think I could have done better.
Adios Amigos!!!!!!!


  1. Hola Charleyse!
    I loved your situational ironic comic! It was really funny and really ironic! And I agree with you on the zombie picture thingy ma bob. You did a great post!
    From the greatest person ever living...
    Gaia! :3

  2. Hi Charleyse! Your irony was hilarious. My one question is how did the small child eat the human? Apart from that good job. This was a really good post.
    From the second best person alive, Catherine


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