
Friday, December 4, 2020

Non-Swimmer Tasks

Hiya peoples,

So lately for week 7 & 8, we had swimming, and since not everybody wanted to/could go the teachers set up a number of tasks for the non-swimmers to do but each week we only had to at least complete 2 and blog 1, But I kinda forgot to blog one last week so I'm blogging it now.

The tasks I chose to do were fairly simple but I have chosen my 2 favorites to show to you the first one is the alien invasion - 

Basically, for this task, we had to create a mini-story of an alien invasion but we could choose if the aliens were good or bad but I think that's for you to choose because in all fairness the alien could be lying to you but you don't know that, also for this one can you please say if you would trust the alien or not in the comments?

The second task was to Create a Superhero/villain - 

Here is a picture from the internet of what I thought he would look like - 

For this task, we had to create a superhero or villain and give them a back story and I kinda based it a little on My Hero Academia but I think it turned out well,

Anyways bye peoples!